Laying it down at the foot of Jesus and Power of Praise
This week, I’m sharing how praise can shift our perspective and how we can truly lay our burdens at Jesus’ feet. Just like Joseph praised his way out of the pit, we have to lift our hands, magnify our God, and trust Him to sustain us.
Maybe this week has felt heavy for you. Maybe you’ve found yourself frustrated, overwhelmed, or feeling like you’re just going through the motions. I get it. But here’s what I’ve learned—when we press into praise & worship and truly magnify God instead of our problems, everything begins to shift.
Reflection Questions:
- What burdens have you been carrying that God is inviting you to release?
- What reminders has God sent you lately to show that He is with you?
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Hey, transformational teacher.
Speaker A:And welcome to the Transformational Teacher Podcast.
Speaker A:I am your host, detoya.
Speaker A:Thank you so much for being here.
Speaker A:And as always, thank you so much for all that you do for your students inside the classroom.
Speaker A:Thank you for what you do for them.
Speaker A:Behind the scenes, it matters.
Speaker A:You are seen.
Speaker A:You are valuable.
Speaker A:You are needed.
Speaker A:Thank you so much.
Speaker A:We're going to go ahead and get into our episode today.
Speaker A:Today we're going to be talking about laying it down and at his feet in the power of praise.
Speaker A:So let's jump into this episode.
Speaker A:This episode, it came about by what I went through on this week.
Speaker A:Well, what I'm going through on this week.
Speaker A:And the thing is, this week, it's been a different kind of week for me.
Speaker A:It's been a week where my heart has been heavy.
Speaker A:I have had a roller coaster of emotions just overwhelming me to a certain extent.
Speaker A:Sunday night, I was sitting there and I was like, God, I don't want to go to work.
Speaker A:And the thing is, I kept saying that until I realized I have to shift my mindset.
Speaker A:Well, actually, the Holy Spirit told me I had to shift my mindset and I had to stop saying that.
Speaker A:So I did stop saying it.
Speaker A:But the thing was, the thoughts were still coming.
Speaker A:And then I realized later in the week, the thoughts are still there.
Speaker A:You have to speak.
Speaker A:Speak to those thoughts.
Speaker A:You have to dig more in his word.
Speaker A:Well, I will say I was still continuing my nightly devotion with my husband.
Speaker A:In the morning, I was using my morning prayers that I write out and everything.
Speaker A:But the thing was, I wasn't doing it before I left the house because I was waking up later.
Speaker A:So as I was going through these motions, I realized that's the missing key.
Speaker A:That's one of the missing keys, is that you're not being effective with your time.
Speaker A:And that is one reason why you're feeling the way that you're feeling, because you're not filling yourself up before you're leaving the house.
Speaker A:But then on Tuesday night in our Bible study, my pastor said that about Joseph.
Speaker A:He had mentioned how praise lifted him out of the pit.
Speaker A:And when he said that, I was like, wow, that is what I need to do.
Speaker A:I need to praise God more.
Speaker A:So after that night, well, last night, after Bible study, that is exactly what I did.
Speaker A:I praised him more than I had throughout the week because, yes, each night we have our worship time.
Speaker A:But to be honest, this week, I was just going through the motions.
Speaker A:At the beginning of the week, it was more of like I had became so familiar and it was like even then I was just tired and I wasn't giving it my all.
Speaker A:And so I'm so thankful for that moment to where the revelation came forth that, no, you have to really praise Him.
Speaker A:If you want to get lifted out of what you are experiencing, praise, you have to lift up your hands.
Speaker A:And one scripture that came to my mind is Psalms 121:1 2.
Speaker A:And it says, I will lift up mine eyes unto the heels from which cometh my help.
Speaker A:My help coming from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
Speaker A:So we have to keep our eyes focused on Him.
Speaker A:He is the One that can lift us up.
Speaker A:He is the One that can sustain us.
Speaker A:But we have to go to Him.
Speaker A:So those times when you're carrying those burdens, you're carrying that frustration, you're carrying those things that are weighing you down, we have to give to Him.
Speaker A:Now, when we give them to him, sometimes you may feel like they're creeping back in.
Speaker A:But if you feel that, guess what?
Speaker A:Give it to them again.
Speaker A:Give it to them again.
Speaker A:As much as you have to keep giving it, do not carry it.
Speaker A:Because when you carry it, it weighs you down.
Speaker A:So again, we have to praise the Lord.
Speaker A:We have to take that time out for praise and worship.
Speaker A:It is so vital.
Speaker A:Praise again.
Speaker A:It lifts you up out of that pit.
Speaker A:So whatever pit you are in, I encourage you.
Speaker A:Praise God.
Speaker A:Praise your way out of that pit.
Speaker A:Here's the thing.
Speaker A:God is faithful.
Speaker A:Regardless of what you're going through, God is faithful.
Speaker A:And we have to remember that.
Speaker A:We have to be anchored in His Word.
Speaker A:So when those moments come, we won't allow them to take us out.
Speaker A:Because again, God is faithful.
Speaker A:And one of the songs that was played was a song called Promises.
Speaker A:I'll link that in my show notes.
Speaker A:But I'm going to read some of the things to you from that song.
Speaker A:It says, God of Abraham, you're the God of covenant and faithful promise.
Speaker A:Time and time again, you have proven you will do just what you said.
Speaker A:That is the wonderful thing about God.
Speaker A:He's going to do what he says he's going to do in His Word.
Speaker A:The thing is, we have to make sure we comply with the directives in order for us to receive the promises from His Word.
Speaker A:And that's another thing.
Speaker A:My pastor's been talking about their security in the Covenant.
Speaker A:And that has been such a game changer for me, realizing, no, there's security in the Covenant.
Speaker A:But again, I must make sure I'm doing my part in order for the Covenant to take place.
Speaker A:Because the thing is, God, he's going to do his part.
Speaker A:His part is already taken care of.
Speaker A:He's waiting on us to make sure we're doing our part.
Speaker A:So here's a little bit more from that song.
Speaker A:I put my faith in Jesus, my anchor to the ground, My hope and firm foundation.
Speaker A:He'll never let me down.
Speaker A:That's the amazing thing.
Speaker A:God will never let you down.
Speaker A:Man may let you down, but God will not let you down.
Speaker A:So that's why we have to put our trust and hope completely in him and not in our situations.
Speaker A:We have to look to God.
Speaker A:And here's another thing.
Speaker A:Sometimes we magnify our problems so much and we're not magnifying our God.
Speaker A:We have to learn to magnify God.
Speaker A:And as we magnify God, those problems will not be as big as we are making them out to be.
Speaker A:So I'm going to give you a few insights to this week that kind of helped to shift me.
Speaker A:It was amazing how God uses small things, big things.
Speaker A:But one of the things that happened on Monday, we were eating lunch with breakfast, and one of my students that hadn't been there the prior week, she turned around and she said, Ms.
Speaker A:Dove, I heard that you love me.
Speaker A:And I was just sitting there looking at her, and I said, I do.
Speaker A:And she just had this big smile on her face, and it reminded me, this is why you're here.
Speaker A:You're here to show love in spite of what you may be feeling.
Speaker A:Allow God's love to keep shining through you.
Speaker A:Keep doing what I have called you to do, daughter, because you are here for a reason.
Speaker A:This is where you are planted at in this season.
Speaker A:So you have to give your best.
Speaker A:Another thing was later that night, my mother in love and father in love, I had fell asleep.
Speaker A:I knew they were going to bring some paper over.
Speaker A:But when I got up later that night, there was a notebook on the table that said made to teach that they had bought for me.
Speaker A:And this was just such an amazing reminder.
Speaker A:Again, this is what I've been called to do in this season.
Speaker A:And it also was a balloon that had my.
Speaker A:And then a jar that had my favorite candy in it, Peppermint patties.
Speaker A:And on the balloon it said, teachers change the world.
Speaker A:And it again reminded me, this is why I'm going inside of that classroom in each and every day.
Speaker A:Because I am there to help to change the world, not in my own strength, but in God's strength.
Speaker A:And that is one thing I also had to remember that No, I can't do this daily in my strength, but I have to call on God's strength.
Speaker A:I cannot rely on myself, but I have to rely on my heavenly Father.
Speaker A:He says that he will equip us.
Speaker A:He says that he'll meet all of our needs according to his riches and glory through Christ Jesus.
Speaker A:So he'll meet my needs.
Speaker A:He'll.
Speaker A:He will equip me daily to go inside that classroom.
Speaker A:But here's the thing.
Speaker A:I have to turn to him.
Speaker A:I have to seek Him.
Speaker A:So I'm encouraging you.
Speaker A:Seek God daily.
Speaker A:Seek God when you are at peace.
Speaker A:Seek him when you're stressed.
Speaker A:Seek him when you're overwhelmed.
Speaker A:Seek him when you're frustrated.
Speaker A:Seek him at all times.
Speaker A:And as you seek Him, I promise you, the peace is going to come.
Speaker A:So again, thank you.
Speaker A:Thank you for all that you do for your students.
Speaker A:As always, you are needed and always pray, listen, transform so you can teach and make that kingdom impact that God has called you to make inside of your classroom.
Speaker A:Well, I would love to stay connected with you outside of our podcast.
Speaker A:You can join our email list by heading to to join our email list.
Speaker A:We will send out weekly emails to you.
Speaker A:And again, I'm looking forward to connecting with you.
Speaker A:Well, let's close out and pray.
Speaker A:Well, Heavenly Father, we thank you right now.
Speaker A:We thank you Lord, just for who you are.
Speaker A:We thank you for your faithfulness.
Speaker A:We thank you for your love, Father.
Speaker A:We thank you, Lord God, for being you.
Speaker A:We thank you, Lord God, that you are the God that knows our every need.
Speaker A:So I pray that we come to you.
Speaker A:I pray that we sit at your feet and our ears are open to hear what it is that you want to say to us on this week.
Speaker A:I thank you right now for strengthening us on this week.
Speaker A:I thank you, Father, for equipping us with what we need on this week.
Speaker A:I thank you right now that we will continue to trust in you, Lord God, with all of our heart, Lord God.
Speaker A:And we will not lean into our own understanding all of our ways.
Speaker A:We will acknowledge you.
Speaker A:And as we acknowledge you, you will guide and direct us along the best pathway for our lives.
Speaker A:You will remove those obstacles out of our way.
Speaker A:So we thank you, Father.
Speaker A:We thank you, Lord God, that you will continue to use us as you desire to use us.
Speaker A:We say yes to you, Father.
Speaker A:And we just thank you, Lord God, for your goodness and we give you honor.
Speaker A:We give you glory.
Speaker A:In Jesus name I pray.
Speaker A:Amen.